
creative · designer

professional work

problems don’t scare me, I assure you.

experimental projects

pushing the boundaries is my challenge.

my sketches

when I’m not designing I’m drawing.

about me

I’m Gina Pont. I design and I love it.

Linkedin | info@ginapont.com | Instagram

I built this website: design, copy and front end.

Connecting world

The challenge

How to foster the relationship between Caracas and Reykjavik, two apparently opposite cities.


As the aim is to connect the two cities, this connection could be established by finding elements in common. After a deeply research, I found the following related concepts:

During my investigation, I come across an interesting fact: On the one hand, citizens of Caracas have many ideas to write stories but few resources to come out their creations. On the other hand, although Reykjavik has been designated a UNESCO City of Literature, has the opposite problem. The literary competence is so huge that the lack of new fresh ideas is quite impossible.

Public transport
Both cities are provided with public facilities, which makes me take into account them as a possible common meeting point.


Launching the Connecting World campaign.

Some banners are located at bus stops with a story made by a citizen. The stories from a citizen of Caracas will be exposed on Reykjavik and vice versa. With QR code citizens who are waiting the bus can read, vote, comment and even write new compositions freely through an APP shared with the two cities. The 10 best stories will be published in oppis, and they will be updated mensually.

Connecting world referent: Skyscraper
Connecting world referent: Snow illustration
Connecting world referent: Strips illustration
Connecting world referent: QR volume
Connecting world referent: University of Bristol QR composition
Conceptual moodboard of Reykjavik.
Conceptual moodboard of Caracas.
Bus stop display Connecting world
Poster: a Reykjavik iced sea and a Caracas tree and mountains.
Poster: a man from Reykjavik and a woman from Caracas.
Poster: two houses from Reykjavik and Caracas.
Scanning the QR code with a mobile, from a bus stop display.
Connecting world APP mobile interface.

Eager to know more? Say hi at linkedin or info@ginapont.com