
creative · designer

professional work

problems don’t scare me, I assure you.

experimental projects

pushing the boundaries is my challenge.

my sketches

when I’m not designing I’m drawing.

about me

I’m Gina Pont. I design and I love it.

Linkedin | info@ginapont.com | Instagram

I built this website: design, copy and front end.

Goethe Dialogues

is an international group exhibition organized on the occasion of the reopening of the headquarters of the Goethe-Institut Barcelona.

The challenge

The necessary graphic supports to describe the 27 artists that will take part in this event.


German, language school, informative but also attractive, fancy, contemporany art, Barcelona.


Fold-out poster, ticket and flyer with a flexible grid announcing the artist works and their descriptions.

Goethe-Institut is a school language and in the exhibition we should take advantage of it. The diversity of languages must be highlighted and the way proposed is the design of a unique support with multilingual messages. How? The superposition of catalan and german words in the same space. Savings: the lack of necessity to print the material twice.

Goethe Dialogues tickets.
Goethe Dialogues fold-out posters.
Goethe Dialogues poster.
Goethe Dialogues complete poster.
Goethe Dialogues flyers.

Eager to know more? Say hi at linkedin or info@ginapont.com