
creative · designer

professional work

problems don’t scare me, I assure you.

experimental projects

pushing the boundaries is my challenge.

my sketches

when I’m not designing I’m drawing.

about me

I’m Gina Pont. I design and I love it.

Linkedin | info@ginapont.com | Instagram

I built this website: design, copy and front end.


is a 2000 American neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan. The protagonist, who suffers from anterograde amnesia, experiments constants flashbacks and prolepsis and search for his wife's murdered.

The challenge

We would need an origial and special issue of a magazine specializing to Memento film.


Conventional | Unique. Concealment vs Revelation. Time, disjointed memories, handwriting.


"Mem(i)ento", a magazine with two approaches: for those lectors who have watched the film and those who have already not.

I will do a magazine that reveals facts with similar techniques used on the film: with a red acetate the readers must decide if they prefer to know the truth (Memento) or being cheated (Memiento). The issue will be partially curiosities and tricks about the film to clarify the scenes, and partially external articles about memory. Polaroid photographs, tattoos and some handwrittings will be a part of the content.

Moodboard Memiento
Memiento referent: Polaroid composition
Memiento referent: Posters
Memiento referent: booklet, strips and paper effect
Memiento referent: Poster made up of strips.
Handwriting composition I made to get the final idea.
I had an idea: the use of a red pen and acetate papers.
Cover Memiento magazine.
Memiento magazine cover with a red acetate which hides content.
The interior of the Memiento magazine: image composition.
The interior of the Memiento magazine: content page with hand-writing text.
Memiento magazine on a tablet oriented horizontally.
Memiento magazine on a tablet oriented vertically.

Eager to know more? Say hi at linkedin or info@ginapont.com